Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Wow...been a while

The last time I posted was March 2005.
I want to update anyone reading this......

I began clomid in March, 2005. I started on 50mg for like 5 days....ovulated, no PG.
April, went up to 100 mg ....+Ovul -PG
May...150 mg + Ovul -PG
June...200mg + Ovul -PG
July...Didnt do a cycle. My older sister passed away suddenly June 21 2005, and I needed to grieve rather than think of TTC.
Aug....Dr. put me on 250mg after my begging. She did not want me to go that high, she wasnt even sure if I was ovulating. But, every month, my ovulation tests were positive, and 14 days later, my period came...thats ovulation!

Let me tell you...that wasn't easy to TTC in Sept/Oct. 2005. I was suffering from a leg infection, and DH suffering from impotence. Not even viagra helped alot....

On October 2nd, 2005 , I ovulated from my August clomid cycle. It was a loooonnnggg cycle, and clomid may of triggered that.
Perfect timing...we had BD the night before.....

I waited unpatiently for 14 days...on the 14th day...I took a PG test.... +++++++++++++++++++++++

Our son was born June 2006!!!

I may of have some bad side effects from clomid (mood swings, headaches...and not to mention, my OB said due to the high dose of clomid, I actually ovulated more than one egg..its a miracle I didn't have more than one....but if I did, that would of been fine...I always wanted to be a mother...and I was blessed with a wonderful child.....though, terrific/terrible twos intertwine sometimes, LOL.....

Many wishes to all who this may help!!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The hag arrived today!

well, the old hag came today, but thats good. because I know my bd timing sucked, so its ok that when I ovulated on cd 26, I didnt get pg. all that matters at this point is that I did ovulate, even though it was late.
so, heres to another cycle....starting cd 1 today!

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Am I pregnant?

My temps have remained elevated, even moved into triphasic!! I am tired, my boobies hurt, Im hungry....and the getting up to pee in the night is starting as of this AM...

I do hope I am!!!!! I am testing on my birthday(tuesday, 22nd) , again....but not before!! that would make me 15 dpo, which should be accurate enough!

Im trying not to get too excited, it might be that i just ovulated, and didnt get pg, but AF may arrive shortly, which would be ok, because that would definatly show me that it worked!!

Did I ovulate?

Fertility Friend gave me a coverline, and thinks I ovulated on cd 18!!!! My temps have been elevated, but no BFP's yet!!!

That would be amazing if it actually worked for me!!!! At such a low dose too!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Started Clomid 2/22/05!!

I already am sooo excited about this clomid!! I started it 2 nights ago, and yesterday I felt what I thought were mild ovulation pains.... guess we will wait and see what happens in the next week or so....

Friday, February 18, 2005

AF arrived today!! Happy because now I can start Clomid on Tuesday, the 22nd!!
My manager and I have a $50 bet going that I will be preggers by the end of April!!
I would have a Jan. 2006 baby!

Lets hope something happens soon!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Anxious, happy & uncertain....

Im awaiting AF to arrive...then I can map out my baby making journey. Im under a medium deal of stress from my job, some bitches who think they are wonderful, so, Im wondering, for my sanity, if I should let things go, start fresh with allowing others to mistake, just to keep my peace...I dont want major stress to restrict any ovulation that may occur here soon!

................I am a patient person, just not when it comes to something I want more than life itself...I have been waiting 7 yrs (since seriously TTC)...whats another 6 months???

ARRRGGGGHHH.... ***********, out, in out....****************

Friday, February 04, 2005

Starting Clomid Soon!!!!

Today I saw Dr. Martha Reiley...She is the greatest!! She isnt at all a fat hating Obgyn, and didnt mention at all that I should lose weight first....she prescribed me Clomiphene (Clomid) 50 mg to start this month on CD 5-9....Im so excited!! I hope it works!! That would KIck ASS!!!!

Things are going good for me lately! Im now an Assistant Manager!!

Heres hoping that Clomid works this cycle!!!!