Monday, January 17, 2005

My Journey

My name is Heather, and I am now almost 31 yrs old. My husbands name is Christopher, and he is 29.
We met almost 9 years ago, and have been married 6 1/2 yrs.
I have been on and off of BCP's since I was 14 for abnormal periods, but they didnt become dormant until I was 24. That was the year we ttc for the first time, on purpose. I had just got off bcp's in April of that year (1998), and when no AF came by June, I saw the DR.
She diagnosed my condition as having PCOS...Polycystic (multiple cysts) Ovarian (on ovaries) Sydrome.
I had multiple lab tests done, and saw a specialist once. July 25th of that year, we got married.
I was put on Prometrium (a natural progesterone in pill form) in August of that year.
I began checking my fertility signs around that time, and taking my temps each AM.
My chart at that time indicated a definite ovulation pattern, and when my AF didnt arrive about 17 dpo, I saw the Dr. for a pregnancy test. It was positive! I had a due date of June 1st, 1999.

I was spotting that weekend before the test, and the midwife said that could be normal. I knew something about this was wrong, so she ordered an u/s, which showed an empty sac. I had what they refer to as a blighted ovum. I was devastated to the point of suicide, but instead I went into a major depression, and gained about 100lbs in just a years time. Which did not help my infertility pcos problem at all.

It is now 6 1/2 yrs later, and I have been ttc again for the past year.
I recently got on health insurance, and plan to see the Reproductive Endocrinologist very soon.
My hope are not up, at all. But I have to try in spite of that.

I recently got promoted to Assistant Manager at a group home I work at, and that helps matters financially a bit.

This is my journey .....I will post my hardships, my joys, my appointments, etc... My medication list will change accordingly.

Thanks for your interest in my story...
~ Heather ~